
The second in a new series presenting the four seasons in the outlying areas of Gyomaendrőd, Hungary.

Gyomaendrod, Hungary

The tourism image film of Gyomaendrőd (Hungary).

Colors of Autumn

The beauty of Autumn in Hungary by the Hármas-Körös River next to Gyomaendrőd.

Winter scenery of Gyomaendrőd, Hungary

The first in a new series presenting the four seasons in the outlying areas of Gyomaendrőd, Hungary. Music: A Frequent T…


Gyomaendrőd, this small and quiet town in Hungary is lying on flatland at the heart of the Southern Great Plain in the midst of yawning forests, flowery meadows and quiet billabongs.

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My family is of Gyoma/Endrőd ancestry
36% (24 votes)
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I'm planning to visit Gyomaendrőd
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Total votes: 66


The kopjafa (memorial pole) was placed in 1996 to commemorate the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.

The Roman Catholic Church of Saint Emeric (Szent Imre) in Endrőd was built in 1804 in Late Baroque style.

It is located on the left (south) bank of the river next to Gyomaendrőd in the flood-plain area.

Admission ticket: free of charge