Directions: on the left bank of the Hármas-Körös River in the flood-plain area. Basically this backwater is the continuation of the Hantoskerti Oxbow Lake.
Area: 4 hectares
Average depth: 1.5 m
Characteristic fish species: northern pike, wels catfish, European carp, zander, brown bullhead
Operator: Körösvidéki Horgász Egyesületek Szövetsége (Allience of the Angling Associations in the Körös Region)
To practice angling in Hungary, foreigners - similarly to Hungarian citizens - must dispose of a so-called state angling ticket and an area permit valid on the given water. For obtaining a state angling ticket, the foreigners have to certify their fishing exam, but presenting their own angling documents and angling certificate is enough as well.
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